Our Services
Vocabulary Building for the Ambitious Student
Do you want to improve your vocabulary? Do you find there are words that you don’t understand? Do you want to improve your grades? Our wordS-A-Text add on to your PC’s browser (Chrome store) and our TextSurfer for your mobile phone and tablet (App store)
are designed to help you identify, define and remember the ‘hard’ words you may not already know. The good news this all happens as you surf the internet.

Vocabulary Training for Standardized Testing at all Academic Levels
Are you starting to worry about college admission? Would you like to get your best score on standardized tests like the SAT or ACT? The good news this can happen while you surf the internet if you download Data Driven Innovation’s free wordS-A-Text add for your PC’s browser (Chrome store) and TextSurfer for your mobile phone and tablet (App store). They
are designed to help you identify, define and remember the ‘hard’ words you may not already know which are necessary for a high verbal score on all standardized tests.
Vocabulary Tools for the Teacher, Tutor and School Administrator
Data Driven Innovation provides a set of free programs that enhance your student’s vocabulary. It enables students to improve performance in class and on standardized exams. The high school version of the program is built on a database containing 4200 ‘target’ SAT-type words that students are expected to know. For students motivated to achieve excellence in their education this is an opportunity for them to do even better.
We have developed, in conjunction with an internationally recognized expert in vocabulary acquisition, a computer program which takes advantage of the huge increase in time students spend surfing the Internet to remediate the national problem of decreasing verbal scores on standardized tests.

With the program running as an add-on to their browser, the student, viewing any webpage, will see those SAT-target words found in our database highlighted on the screen whenever they appear. If the student places her cursor over the now highlighted word (alerting her that this is a ‘must-know’ word) the definition pops up. Learning is naturally integrated into the textual context.
The current version allows access to related material (e.g., pronunciation or a mnemonic cartoon). The program is available as an add-on to any browser as well as an app for the iPhone or iPad. Educational professionals can contact us for the tools to create their own list of target words or synchronize with the list of words in a specific textbook. These word lists can be tailored to various ages, grades, textbooks, lessons and languages. With the proper permission, instructors are able to track student progress as measured by the number of target words encountered, the number of clicks or definitions seen, and the number of words that are repeated. Based on this data, instructors are able to advise students accordingly. Custom versions of the program with different sets of features and feedback are available at nominal cost.
Students surfing the Internet will build vocabulary and thus enhance their reading skills, steadily, over time. They will do this “painlessly” without having to study or memorize boring lists of words. That is why our tagline is: “Surf your way to a great vocabulary.” The number of highlighted words on any given page will be set by the user so that they are not overwhelmed with too many new or difficult words.
The program has several other features that make it even more practical. The user determines the amount of detail in the type of definition displayed. The user will also be able to ‘block’ words that she already knows. Finally, since many of the required vocabulary words appear relatively infrequently on the Web, the user will be able to choose to see, in addition to the ‘target’ word, the more common, simpler synonym of that same word (e.g., ‘home’ for ‘domicile’). A highlighted word on the page alerts the student that a ‘must-know’ word is on the screen.
In future versions we will allow a ‘game/competition’ mode and the ability, using artificial intelligence, to determine, from among the several possible definitions, the exact definition based on the context. This feedback is good training for an important standard in the Common Core for English Language Arts.

Biomedical Research
Biomedical Research Consulting Services including the Design, Development and Implementation of Software and Programs
We offer a wide range of biomedical and pharmaceutical research services. These services include the design, development, testing and implementation of customized software for the PC and mobile devices. These programs will help you summarize, interpret and report your complex data. Please contact us for rates and references.